Soon-Yi Previn Defends Her Husband, Woody Allen, and Accuses Mia Farrow of Abuse

  1. Soon-Yi Previn Defends Her Husband, Woody Allen, and Accuses Mia Farrow of Abuse  New York Times
  2. ‘What’s happened to Woody is so upsetting, so unjust’: Soon-Yi Previn speaks out in controversial interview  Washington Post
  3. Soon-Yi Previn defends Woody Allen against sexual assault claims, accuses Mia Farrow of abuse  ABC News
  4. We must listen to Soon-Yi Previn, as well as Ronan and Dylan Farrow  The Guardian
  5. Soon-Yi Previn Calls Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Husband Woody Allen ‘Unjust’
  6. Full coverage

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